2020 Evolutionary Leaders Advance

2020 Evolutionary Leaders Advance


The Source of Synergy Foundation’s 2020 Evolutionary Advance was planned to take place at the Whidbey Institute on beautiful Whidbey Island for June 7-11. Spearheaded by Lynnaea Lumbard and Deborah Moldow, a planning team came together in love for the Pacific Northwest and the potential to root ourselves in the land there to bring forth our theme of “Regeneration 2020.”

Planning Team:
Téana David, Phil Lane, Jr., Lori Leyden, Lynnaea Lumbard, Deborah Moldow, Jon Ramer, Sommer Joy Ramer, Kit Thomas, Diane Williams (Advisor)

And then, just as we were opening registration for the Advance, Covid-19 began to spread throughout the world, landing first in the U.S. in the State of Washington. It soon became clear that travel was no longer safe and it was time for us to bring the Advance online. The 2020 Virtual Advance was born.

94 EL’s registered, expressing their commitment to the community of Evolutionary Leaders and their desire to be part of the grand experiment of meeting virtually.

The 3-day Advance program began with a meditation by Rev. Paulette Pipe, followed by a profound Opening Ceremony offered by Chief Phil Lane, Jr. with Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, Oscar Miro-Quesada, Sherri Mitchell Wh’na Ha’mu Kwasset and Mindahi Bastida Muñoz, with words from Constance Buffalo.

Reconnecting was the theme of Day 1. Daniel Christian Wahl presented highlights of his longtime study of regeneration, explaining that as long as we feel separate from nature we cannot be nature healing itself. We then learned about The Soul of Soil in a fascinating illustrated view of soil science from Téana David.

Our time together was enlivened by “fun breaks,” offering the options of Nature Walks, Dance Party, Screening Room or Chat Lounge.

Sister Jenna opened Day 2, devoted to Synergizing. Then we stepped into a deep dialogue on “Healing the Virus of Racism,” skillfully facilitated by Shilpa Jain. We heard a deep witness (or “withness,” as Shilpa says) by Antoinette “Rootsdawtah” Hall, and more words of truth from Rev. Sylvia Sumter, who asked us to listen, to feel into the heart of one another for healing, and then to take action.

The second session was devoted to the Synergy Circles and activities including many EL’s that are bringing our work forward in shared action. Jon and Sommer Ramer introduced and moderated the session. Kurt Johnson introduced the Synergy Circles that led breakouts:

  • Local Synergy Circles – Adam C. Hall (Santa Barbara), Steve Farrell (Colorado) & Denise Scotto (New York)
  • Conscious Business – Peter Matthies & Steve Farrell
  • Education – Nina Meyerhof & Rick Ulfik
  • Media – Desiree Hurtak, Alan Steinfeld & Kit Thomas
  • Sacred Sites – Mindahi Bastida & Ken Kitatani
  • Science & Spirituality – Kurt Johnson & J.J. Hurtak
  • SDG Thought Leaders – Kurt Johnson
  • Youth Connection – Kristin Hoffmann

Plus, several Partnering Projects met as well:

  • “Our Moment of Choice” Book Outreach – Bob Atkinson & Diane Williams
  • Peace on Earth 2030 – David Gershon
  • Caravan of Unity (Unity Earth) – Ben Bowler

We closed the day with a luminous live performance by Kristin Hoffmann of a song that arose spontaneously and is still coming forth called, “Synergy of the Soul”!

On our final day of the Advance focused on Regenerating. We dove into the “big picture” together, starting with a deep meditation led by Anneloes Smitsman to bring us once again into a field of love and coherence.

After that, we enjoyed an Honoring Ceremony, led Chief Phil Lane, Jr. to appreciate Diane Williams and Deepak Chopra for the vision that birthed the Evolutionary Leaders! Heartfelt tributes to Diane and Deepak were offered by Gregg Braden, Jude Currivan and Lynne McTaggart, expressing what the Evolutionary Leaders Circle has meant in their lives. Diane and Deepak responded with gratitude.

During the ceremony Carolyn Rangel of The Chopra Foundation and Deborah Moldow, Director of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, were also acknowledged for their significant contributions to the EL Circle.

We prepared for our Community Council dialogue with David Nicol offering a Gaiafield Attunement, a profound visualization filling us with the energy of the Earth and the light from the sun and the stars, strengthening our group field, and inviting our higher mind centers to merge together.

Terry Patten facilitated a “big picture” evolutionary visioning. Where are we headed? What do we intuit? What is our role as EL’s in this particular moment: how are we called to serve? A deep, rich discussion ensued.

Lori Leyden completed our sacred time together by holding in our hearts all those that lost their lives or are suffering as a result of the dual pandemic, COVID-19 and racism. She beautifully connected us back to the elements that sustain us, acknowledging our plant friends and the water, and blowing out our candles. May the candle light our way to evolutionary coherence in wonder at the journey that lies ahead.

Kristin Hoffman sang “our” EL song, co-written with the Koren Brothers at the Santa Barbara Advance in 2018, called “Coming Back to the Heart,” and everyone joined in the chorus.

We felt complete, with our energies regenerated to meet the challenges and joys of the coming year as a community. Gratitude to all!

happy group on zoom

EL's at Advance