About Us
The Source of Synergy Foundation is a 501c3 not-for-profit educational organization whose purpose is to synergize individuals, organizations and efforts by tapping into the infinite source of collective consciousness, creativity and potential for the common good.
The Source of Synergy Foundation recognizes that our essence is Source: a single, universal field out of which everything emerges, where we are united as one.
From this place we create opportunities for Synergy that spirals out creating, expanding and deepening connectivity and synergistic engagement.
Our Foundation is built upon exploring, utilizing and awakening to our innate qualities and capacities as conscious, evolving expressions of the Source of all that is, all that was and all that ever will be.
Our intention is to support the release of synergistic energy that will exponentially expand and create a global ripple effect in planetary consciousness. We all recognize that when individuals, organizations, communities and nations unite in a shared sense of responsibility for the common good their collective efforts have a far greater effect on the whole. Recently, we have seen an extraordinary number of networks, alliances and coalitions of individuals and organizations uniting in a shared sense of responsibility to help solve some of the world’s most pressing problems--climate change, hunger, human rights violations, and conflicts. There is a great shift accelerating across the planet where the power of the collective spirit is activated. The Source of Synergy Foundation is dedicated to creating opportunities for synergy that support a conscious evolutionary movement for global transformation.
The Source of Synergy Foundation Team

Susan Belchamber, Secretary
Roger Briggs
Nancy Brown, Board Chair
Olivia Hansen, Special Advisor
Desiree Hurtak, Board Member
Dr. Kurt Johnson, Evolutionary Leaders Synergy Circles Coordinator
Juan Carlos Kaiten, Associate Director of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle
Jackie Knechtel, Board Member
Eve Konstantine, Officer Emeritus
Barbara Layton, Executive Director
Peter Matthies, Officer Emeritus
Rod McGrew, Officer Emeritus
Nina Meyerhof, Board Member
Deborah Moldow, Director of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle
Reverend Paulette Pipe, Keeper of the Flame
Mitchell Rabin, Board Member
Denise Scotto, Treasurer
Jeff Vander Clute, Officer Emeritus
Jennifer Walsh, Web Designer
Diane Marie Williams, Founder and President
The Source of Synergy Foundation
Advisory Board

Dafna Mordecai is a New York City based artist, a surrealist by nature who works in many schools of thought and mediums. The joy of Dafna’s work is to be taken on a magical journey into another world. This piece is from her Visionary Art series called The Present and is a digital image created in Photoshop. To view more of Dafna’s diverse art and for further inquiries please visit her web site: www.DafnaMordecai.com Art@DafnaMordecai.com