2021 Evolutionary Leaders Advance


2021 Evolutionary Leaders Advance


Our annual EL gatherings always inspire individual and collective empowerment, heighten synergy among members of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and generate deeper community, cooperative partnerships, and a stronger unified field of consciousness among us.

This year, we came together to experience our evolutionary leap into the emergent paradigm of a new humanity. Healing into our individual wholeness, we crossed the threshold toward the super-organism at the next stage in our evolution, in service to planetary renewal and a thriving world. Over the course of three days, we moved from me to us to WE, in a joyous culmination of unity in our radiant community.

Day 1: How Have We Changed?

What a beautiful first day we had together! Deborah Moldow, Diane Marie Williams and the chair of the Board of the Source of Synergy Foundation, Barbara Layton welcomed everyone. Then Lori Leyden and Rev. Paulette Pipe led us through a deeply moving opening ceremony of sharing about what we’d lost and gained during the past year and celebrating each face of those attending to the music of “You Are the Face of God.”

Lynnaea Lumbard and Rick Paine led us into Opening the Heart for the Becoming, where we expressed our soul’s yearning. Then we took a “fun break,” starting with a few very touching minutes of the short film of Mark Dubois, “The Life of a River.” We were next treated to joyful Chi-Kung led with warmth and style by Mitchell Rabin.

We closed the day with our exuberant finale, The Lure of the Future Humans, a session of wit and wisdom by co-authors of the Future Humans Trilogy, Dr. Jean Houston and Dr. Anneloes Smitsman. The two read a lively dialogue from the book, and then Anneloes explained how we can actually attract our future into being through the activation of our imagination. Jean led a process to open us to our imaginal powers within – our “direct access to the creative power of the Cosmos”” – that left us all feeling we had received a transmission.

Day 2: Living As a New Humanity

Another rich and powerful day at the 2021 EL Advance began as we dove deep into the community that we are. Dr. Jude Currivan started us off by aligning us with the powerful energies of the solar eclipse, and John Pehrson also gave us a glimpse into the energies of our three days together. We were primed and ready!

After a brief check-in time in small groups, the first session began. Beloved evolution biologists – and original EL members – Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris shared in lively dialogue the current state of our evolution. They both spoke to the ways in which previously closed scientific views had edged out concepts about consciousness and spirituality that are more acceptable given the new physics. Elisabet refers to these as the invisible portions of the “keyboard of frequencies.” A rich Q&A discussion followed this amazing dialogue.

Our break hostess was Téana David, who invited us to wake up our cells. Those who preferred to continue the conversation gathered in the Chat Lounge in lively dialogue.

Our next session was another opportunity to exchange ideas on how we are moving forward together to forge new paths of cooperation. Dr. Anodea Judith and Dr. Michael Wayne facilitated a modified open space process. Anodea led a brief meditation to ready us to jump into our juicy breakouts:

  • Optimizing Human Development (Gordon Dveirin)
  • Feminine Leadership (Kristin Engvig)
  • Evolving Healthy Democracy (Margo King and John Steiner)
  • Contact/New Paradigm Science & Spirit (Alan Steinfeld and Kurt Johnson)
  • Visioning and Creating a Post-Capitalist Society/Visionary Entrepreneurship (Michael Wayne and Mitchell Rabin)

As all the groups reported back, it was clear that each of these important subjects merits far more time for in-depth exploration.

We closed this stimulating day with Benefits and Blessings, a brief reflection on what being a member of our community of Evolutionary Leaders meant to each of us. Here are a few examples:

  • Community!! Inspiration!!
  • TONS of co-creative ventures and partnerships!
  • A truly safe loving conscious and caring community, a place where I can be fully myself.
  • A deep space of wisdom, inspiration and collaboration. Some of my greatest life friendships and mentorships have been birthed from this group!
  • Synergy
  • Having a big family of cultural creatives
  • Sharing the noosphere with such brilliant people!
  • Wonderful new friendships and a new opportunity to be in sacred service, finding a tribe I vibe with…and so much more!
  • So much simply being here and opening to GIANT possibilities of life affirming JOYFUL future and boost to the collective IMAGINAL POWER is so so here woo hoo!

Suggestions on how our community might move forward were also put into the chat dream-space. On our third day, we took flight…

Day 3: Activating the Super-Organism – and Beyond

What does it take to make the evolutionary leap into a super-organism, united in oneness to co-create a new future? Our first two days of the EL Advance opened us to the lure of the adventures ahead, from both a personal and community perspective. On Day 3 of the EL Advance, we experienced the higher frequencies of our unified field.

We began with a meditation on the Divine Feminine energies so vital in this time, led by Dr. Shamini Jain, CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative. We had a check-in with one another to become fully present. Then our experience began!

We started with a question from Diane Marie Williams for Dr. Deepak Chopra on how the MetaHuman described in his most recent book evolves into a fully activated MetaHumanity. Deepak shared very personally of the present moment in time. It’s time to wake up from the dream and ask others to wake up. He thanked the Evolutionary Leaders for our shared vision, acknowledging our collective leadership.

Claudia Welss, Board Chair of IONS, set the context for Dr. Howard Martin, one of the original leaders of HeartMath, to teach us to access the vast and beautiful energies of our hearts. Claudia spoke about the true power of the collective heart. “We don’t have to save the world – we just have to get with the program!” Howard led us deep into an experience of our hearts in a HeartMath meditation, including a commitment to practice “compassionate latitude” for ourselves and others.

We then took our open hearts on a shamanic journey, a “Return to Eden” led by anthropologist and shamanic healer, Dr. Alberto Villoldo. Alberto led us into nature and the space of our souls, where we could retrieve the lost parts of ourselves. We emerged in gratitude, back into our hearts and ready to serve.

From this expanded state, we immersed into a healing sound bath led by the divine Kristin Hoffmann, bringing us into an ever-deepening vortex of coherence from which our deepest visions were invited into manifestation. Kristin offered the sounds of “Soul-Aum” for our collective manifestation.

Don Oscar Miro-Quesada sealed the energies with his prayers and words of wisdom. He began with, “Greetings, Hope of the Future!” and led us in a ritual for the continuation of this great work. After a brief reflection offered by Terry Patten, we took a short break.

In a video clip made shortly before her passing, our eternal inspiration, Barbara Marx Hubbard, asked us to say yes to the impulse to conscious evolution. Then Sommer Joy Ramer brought us into her lush garden for a Garden of Joy Dance Party, inviting us to feel the “yes” in our bodies and our hearts.

We took our group Zoom photo to capture the joy.

group shot

And then it was time for our closing ceremony. We all shared about “What does taking flight as a community mean to you?” Jean Houston conducted us – as the maestro she is! – in a journey of the mythic imagination, inviting all to contribute words and music.


Pato Banton and Antoinette “Rootsdawtah” Hall led our celebration with two of their reggae-style hit songs for singing, dancing, and lifting us even higher. We all sang and danced to “There is A New Day Dawning,” which so perfectly expressed how we all felt.

Our final words of sacred send-off came from our Keeper of the Flame, Rev. Paulette Pipe. She brought us back to our hearts, to bring transformation to the world as a community and a collective from that “soaring place of possibility” in all of us.

We danced out our closing to Pato and Antoinette’s lively video of “Brothers and Sisters” – as we are!