2019 Evolutionary Leaders Advance

2019 Evolutionary Leaders Advance

47 members of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle gathered in June to activate the next level of evolution for ourselves, our community and the world. At beautiful Sunrise Ranch, where the powerful energies of the Rocky Mountains meet the prairie, we dove together into new dimensions of synergy among us.

The Source of Synergy Foundation chose to bring its 2019 Evolutionary Leaders gathering to Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado because our beloved Barbara Marx Hubbard was living there. In fact it was Barbara who said “No more Retreats, it’s time to Advance!,” knowing that today’s times called for us to move forward. Sadly Barbara passed away in April, close to her 90th birthday, so we held our annual EL Advance in her honor. We are so grateful to her for all that she contributed to the collective during her 11 years as a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle.

Highlights of the gathering included going deep together into the darkness of our times, sharing our “superpowers,” enjoying candle light ritual, music, painting, meditation and dancing in the rain. We started an electric wheelchair with our collective intention and we engaged in a SynCon process in Barbara’s honor. We listened to one another’s brief Spotlight presentations. We took pictures at the Moon Rocks with a view of the mountains. And we reached out to the public in our first-ever Facebook Live event at The Dome, which can be seen at www.facebook.com/evolutionaryleaders/videos/482904792252420/.

2019 Evolutionary Leaders Advance

2019 Evolutionary Leaders Advance

2019 Evolutionary Leaders Advance

2019 Evolutionary Leaders Advance

2019 Evolutionary Leaders Advance