2015 Evolutionary Leaders Retreat

Deep in the hills of northern California, 24 Evolutionary Leaders gathered in retreat at the end of June 2015. Members of the circle have been coming together since 2008 to share deeply about their lives and work. Each year, the sense of community deepens and its members leave refreshed and renewed in both their individual work and our shared visions for the future.
This year, the focus of the retreat was the “How We Engage” Statement [see full text at the end of the report] that had emerged from the 2014 retreat in Ashland, Oregon. Building the retreat agenda around this statement brought us into deeper communion and more authentic communication with one another, “expressing a passionate commitment to both the inner work of human transformation and the outer work of social transformation.”
Over the course of our four days together, the ELs stepped together into the next level of our collective engagement – the evolution of the Evolutionary Leaders – living into the evolutionary edge of ourselves, our community, and our world.
The ELs left the 2015 Evolutionary Leaders retreat feeling sense of renewal of the bond among us. With the “How We Engage” Statement as a map, we delved into our own evolution as individuals and as a community, so that we could nourish and expand our “service to the emergence of a movement for the conscious evolution of humanity.” As David Gershon said, “We became evolution, instead of having a conversation about it.”