In Memoriam: Dale Colton



The Source of Synergy Foundation is deeply saddened by the passing of our beloved friend, colleague, member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and former board member of the Source of Synergy Foundation, Dale Colton, who transitioned into the light this month after experiencing declining health. As an early leader in the consciousness movement, Dale was a true Yogi who always lived her life in selfless service to others. She had a purity of heart, was kind, deeply compassionate and had a great generosity of spirit. She was always gifting friends and strangers with thoughtful presents including the squirrels that would come to her home every day in anticipation of the new bag of peanuts she just purchased. That was Dale, a true giver of time, talent, treats, and treasures.
Dale once said: I am dedicated to creating change through the expansion of consciousness. I believe that we have the power through choice to embrace peace, compassion and the expansion of conscious awareness in order to form a critical mass to achieve positive change on the planet. We have windows of opportunity constantly being presented to us within which quantum leaps can be made. 
Dale made countless quantum leaps throughout her lifetime. In her early days she owned and operated wholesale and retail import businesses that created scholarships and funded charitable projects in India which included building a hospital in India. As an expert in Public Relations, Promotion and Publishing, Dale worked with individuals, centers and organizations that are part of the global grassroots spiritual/conscious community for well over thirty-five years – twenty of which were spent at the Himalayan International Institute, whose pioneering work advocated a holistic lifestyle. She had a profound connection to the institute’s founder Sri Swami Rama who she worked side by side with for many years. She served on the Board and was the Director of Public Relations and Marketing for both The Himalayan Institute and Himalayan Publishers and was a member of the Himalayan Institute teaching staff. She also directed the Himalayan Institute’s annual International Conference. One of the highlights of her life was organizing and leading Himalayan Excursions when she took people on spiritual and cultural tours to India and Nepal. It was there that she became friends with Mrs. Indira Gandhi and spent fond memories in her garden discussing world events. Many people encouraged her to write her memoirs because she had so many adventures, including taking a joy-ride with Sri Swami Satchidananda in her silver Porsche convertible, having late night chats with Marlon Brando about spiritual life on his visits to the Himalayan Institute, and riding with Sly and the Family Stone to Woodstock.

Her undergraduate studies concentrated on the mind/body relationship. She earned a Masters Degree in counseling, She used her educational and experiential skills to bring like-minded people, communities and organizations together towards the goal of collectively creating conscious coherence. She worked as consultant to Deepak Chopra and many others, and was on the Management Team of The Alliance for A New Humanity. There she co-founded, coordinated and conducted “Be the Change” programs, an international community outreach movement.
She was also a member of the Coalition for OneVoice, a coalition of organizations united to form a collective power that reflects the evolution of consciousness toward an enlightened society. She was instrumental in co-initiating and co-organizing the coalition’s successful October 2006 program “A Passion to Connect,” which was a catalyst that led to the birth of the Evolutionary Leaders project.
She was a beloved friend and colleague of the Source of Synergy Foundation (SOSF) serving on our board from 2010-2015, our Advisory Board from 2015-present, sharing her creativity and talents as a marketing consultant and serving as member of our Evolutionary Leaders Circle since its inception. She helped to co-organize an outstanding live event in with the Evolutionary Leaders called A Call to Conscious Evolution at UCLA in 2010.

photos of Dale and friends

Dale was a magical, light-filled, spiritual being that worked to support others to shine their individual and collective light more brightly. She loved sharing with others the essence of spiritual teachings and how we could all make them an integral part of our reality. She was a beloved founding member of the Non-Local Journey team of SOSF that explores communication beyond the confines of space and time. In the last year of her life she coordinated their monthly meditations during special auspicious times of the year.

photos of Dale and friends

Dale had a fabulous sense of humor and would often say about her dedication to social change, “Either I am committed or need to be committed!” which always made us chuckle. She would often say that life is a play and that synchronicities, signs and people that seem to magically manifest into her life were “right out of central casting.” Her laughter was delightful, her heart was vast, and her wisdom was profound.

photos of Dale and friends

She is now with her beloved parents, her Swami, her great love Malcom Bissett, her adored dog Mandi and all those that love her on the other side.
May her special spirit continue to soar as she journeys through the heavens with a newfound, formless, freedom. We are sure she is enjoying the ride.
We love her deeply and will miss her beyond measure.

group photo of the Evolutionary Leaders with Dale

Evolutionary Leaders 2008

Diane and Dale - Last Photo

Diane and Dale – Last Photo



A woman vastly ahead of her time with a uniquely compassionate vision of service to both humankind and the Great Web of Life. A pristine Light in the world whose healing grace shall be dearly remembered by all she touched on earth and joyously celebrated throughout all celestial abodes within The Above. In loving recognition of your soul’s immortal journey Home a spirit honoring ceremony is being held in the same sacred space your divine presence not long ago had sanctified. We LOVE you sis-Star. 

With heart, Oscar & Cindy Miró-Quesada

Dale, thank you for spreading so much goodness, laughter, and love into the lives of everyone you knew. May your journey to the other side be filled with light and love. I will miss you my friend but trust that we will meet again in the realm of the non-local. 

Sending lots of love, Diane Williams

May you “fly on” my dear, magical, non-local, bee priestess, medicine woman, light worker, mutli-dimensional traveler, mystic, prophetess, Seer, wizard, – and one of the kindest, funniest and most loving souls I’ve ever known on this planet. This is not good-bye. Our love is infinite and eternal. Deep gratitude to you for your friendship and love. You are soul family to me forever and ever. What a gift to have known you as I did in this lifetime. Thank you for believing in me. I will carry you in my heart as I continue the Great Work we began together on liberty and the ancient roots of true “freedom.” You were and will always be my “muse” in this liberty work. Now you are free! An angelic muse in Spirit!  I feel your guidance from the other side, and I thank you. 

I miss you, Dale. I miss your laugh. I miss our long phone calls late at night. I miss all of your incredible life stories you would share –  of Swami, India, the Himalayas, Malcom, Sly and the Family Stone, Marlon Brando and of course your dear doggie Mandi.  We shared a deep love for our dogs, and the unconditional love they give. My dog Bodhi was always so excited to open the fun gifts you sent her – especially the fun hats you would make for her!

Dale – you were always there for me in times of need and in times of pure joy – and I thank you from the deepest place in me. You gave me wise counsel and a shoulder to cry on during a challenging time in my life. You also gave me a lot of laughter and joy!  I will always remember you in pure bliss at our magical retreats in Woodstock and Sanibel Island. Oh what fun we had!
While my heart is heavy and my tears flow, I am happy you are FREE. Fly on Dale. Fly on. Maybe one day I’ll fly next to you. 

Fly on. Fly on. Fly on.

I miss you and I love you.

Ann Hughes

“We are all just walking each other home.” Ram Dass

Dale Colton was one of a kind: a soul deeply committed to the awakening of humanity and a gifted raconteur whose goal in the moment was to keep her friends in stitches. But beneath the clowning exterior lay the deeply caring heart of someone who never forgot a birthday or failed to mail a Christmas surprise. Bless you on your journey onward, dear Dale.

Deborah Moldow

When I think of Dale, I see those big, soft blue eyes of infinite depth, like her Soul. And I see the impish twinkle in her eyes. Oh Dale, I know you are happy and free now…and I hope you are being a little naughty in Heaven!  You are missed! (2nd tribute is at the end)

Your pal on the non-local, Eve K

We honor Dale Colton, a bright and beautiful spirit that has helped initiate and support the evolution of the EL organization. Spending time with Dale at EL retreats was always a joyous and uplifting experience. While we shall miss her presence on this plane, we will always remember her collaboration, her loving support and beautiful spirit. We LOVE you Dale.

Bruce Lipton and Margaret Horton

Dale– I feel your presence everywhere. So many times I have thought of you. You were always ready to visit and to help and to be a friend. Your kindness was overflowing. I always knew you were and are so special …you had and have such a great generous heart and open mind and were so very, very, competent. I was always amazed at what you could do. I would listen to your stories of your life and understand the courage it took as you followed your dreams, I feel you everywhere. Your commitment always shined through. I also remember how you reached out to me and cared when I was ill, I thank you deeply for this. Dearest Dale. I wish you safe flight of the Soul on the other side where you will find all the loving energies of those you were so happily connected to. I am quite sure releasing your body will be a pleasure and that you can be the shining star you always were on the inside and join the many people who you loved and love you. I never doubted your greatness and was always impressed by your competence and your commitment to the LIGHT. You followed the LIGHT and now you are the LIGHT. I hope you will shine upon us and give us strength in these times of darkness and decay. Help us lift up and elevate our consciousness to be the unity we are meant to be. One People, One Life, Oneness all around. Perhaps your departure was well intended as we need you at this moment of shift from the unreal to the real, from hate to love and finally to Oneness. Perhaps you are leading the way, Thank-you for your time on Earth and your presence in my life. 

Much love forever, Nina Meyerhof

Dale was a champion for human goodness and service.
I’m indebted to her for improving the quality of my life and numerous others. 
I wish her happy trails on her onward journey 

Love, Deepak

Dearest Dale, we miss you, your ever-present love and support, sage advice, and the passion that you brought to our EL experience. On a personal level, I miss the friendship from you that I could always trust and count on. The poet Kahlil Gibran asks “what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?” Knowing that you are on your journey to “Seek God unencumbered” is the thought for me that fills the void you leave behind. Thank you for the light you brought into our lives. 

With so much love, Gregg Braden

Dale will be missed for many reasons by all who knew her, especially if you have ever spoken with her on the phone – her stories, her irreverent sense of humor, her wonderful loving spirit. She had a unique capacity to connect with people and a wonderful, innate, matter of fact understanding of spirituality. She was a genuine, caring human being. If you have ever met her and spent time with her, you know that this life is wonder-full, that each of us is important, and each of us is loved. Thank you Dale, I love you and indeed, Happy Trails.    

Kevin Hoffman

Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute to a brilliant human being. Her life celebration will mirror the way she lived her life, as a profound and playful presence on Pachamama.  May she guide us and bless us from the realms of light as we continue our earthwork. My love to you dear sister, each and every day. 

Yours, Cindy Miró-Quesada

I am so saddened to hear about the passing of Dale.  She was a lovely lady and I enjoyed spending time with her.   

Lynne McTaggart

I met Dale Colton in connection with spiritual events in New York City. She left an indelible impression on my soul. She was instantly accessible! Like friend one has known for a long time. Now, I know how and why!  I sensed her spirit by my work in “Spirit Club For Children”…The Middle Fairy Kingdom…her Magic…her Openness…her Charm.

Victoria Friedman; Co-Founder, Vistar Foundation

“Dale was a true force. A leader and a tower of strength to others. One of those rare individuals who seemed to know no limits when it came to bringing people together for the greater good. We are all blessed and inspired by her example. Thank you for your great service to Humanity Dale”

Linus Roache

Fondly remembering Dale who was large as life with her humor, compassion, and purpose driven life.  A catch-up call would end up being story-sharing that would have us laughing for hours. Wishing joy and freedom to Dale on her continued journey.

Carolyn Rangel

I have such wonderful love filled high frequency memories of my times with her. Dale was one of a kind and such a beautiful evolved soul with a unique sense of humor. 

Rod McGrew

I met Dale a number of moons ago when she, you, and Eytan came to
visit me in the Hamptons and stayed over for the night. We had such
a sweet time together and it was my first time meeting Dale.

She and I continued to exchange emails periodically and I was so taken by her love, generosity, sweetness, and radiant nature. She had this way about her that allowed such ease in being together, as if we had known one another for a long time. That was Dale. 

Real and beautiful.

Much love,

Barbara Layton

Dale meant a great deal to me, and we were very close in our work and on our path. She was a fabulous mentor, and when I think of her, the word ‘abundance’ comes to mind — abundance of energy, love, play, dedication, laughter, generosity. 

Lynne Asha Golliher

In life, you meet lots of people.  But how often is there one with a spirit that jumps up spritely with laughter, stories galore, and yet a profound ability to deeply listen?  This was Dale.  Happy for herself, happy for others.  Compassionate, thoughtful, ready to play. Dale, your material body may have gone back to Gaia, but your spirit remains right with us. Our celebration of you last night was plenty of testament to this. We love you!

Mitchell J. Rabin, M.A., L.AC.

There are some people you meet who you immediately bond and connect with as if you have known them your whole life. That was how it was for me and Dale. But the amazing thing about her is that whoever she met, they felt the same way. In the early days of coalescing the New York spiritual community into the Coalition of One Voice, Dale took an active and vital part, but from behind the scenes. She was not out front, but stood as a firm guiding voice from the wings; a role she is still probably playing from whatever dimension of consciousness she is in now. Her kindness and intelligence were gifts to all of us. Dale’s life was an affirmation of love and a dedication to bringing forth the interconnectedness of the human spirit. Her intentions and beingness can be highlighted in a quote from Willis Harmon, former president of IONS: “Because of the interconnectedness of all minds, affirming a positive vision may be about the most sophisticated action any one of us can take.” Dale took that action and most likely still does. Thank you Dale 

Alan Steinfeld

Dale touched me deeply, as she did so many, because of her courage to embrace spirit throughout her life and share it so generously with others not as ideas but as who she was. Given the boldness of her embrace, she was refreshingly unpretentious, which made her presence and impact one that transcended boundaries and permeated our hearts. In fact her presence was so full that even though she is no longer with us, it feels like a part of her is very much still here.

Gerard Senehi

Dale Colton lived a Life of curiosity, humor, devotion and a pervasive impishness. She would support you in any task or dream, bring creative thoughts to it, and yet playfully challenge and poke holes in it, in an effort to help us not take ourselves too seriously, or get bogged down in “spiritual elitism or arrogance.”  Thank God we have people like that around us, to help keep us honest and keep things in perspective. 

In fact, since her passing, Diane, Ann and I have had many, many conversations in which we experience Dale playfully inserting herself, sending us messages, messing things up, making us laugh, setting up endless synchronicities. We know for sure that she is now happier, freer and able to affect change on the planet with greater efficacy and impact than when she was still in the material form.

Though we didn’t really know one another in the 70’s, Dale and I were both studying under the same spiritual lineage: Dale under Swami Rama of The Himalayan Institute for Yoga Science and Philosophy in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, and I under Swami Veda Bharati, Swami ji’s successor, at the Meditation Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was the early days of such exploration, and many decades later, we enjoyed sharing our first-hand experiences with our spiritual guides, whom we knew “up close and personal” in all their human frailty. Dale stayed involved much longer than I and was a true First Mate to Swami Rama. She had a ringside seat through thick and thin, and helped the Institute recover and develop over quite some time.

About four years ago, Dale, Ann Hughes, Diane Williams and I, “the Non-locals,” spent a three-night retreat at my family’s home on Sanibel Island on the gulf coast of Florida. We had a wonderful time, and actually all piled into to her less-than-sturdy Volkswagen Beetle and high-tailed it across the state to spend a day and night at the home of our beloved shaman, don Oscar Miro-Quesada and his wife, Cindy. There we engaged in many beautiful rituals and prayers, guided by don Oscar, and then we proceeded to shoot back across the state to get there in time for my birthday party, which Dale had organized and had grandiose cooking goals!  (Big mistake…small kitchen, complicated Indian dinner). She had come to Florida equipped with a bag of Indian spices and lots of decorations as well, part of which, the “Bee Crowns,” we donned as we departed Oscar & Cindy’s home.  As we were, not surprisingly, running late, I put the pedal to the metal and made a bee line (no pun intended) back to the house.  At some point, the inevitable…a flashing red light did I see in the rear view mirror.  A very young green horn sauntered up to my window and informed me I was cruising a goodly number of miles over the speed limit. Shocked as I of course was, I immediately complied and handed over my driver’s license, explaining to him that we had to get back to my ninety-something year old mother who was waiting in anticipation for my birthday celebration and couldn’t stay up late. He went to his car to run my license, obviously noting that this was no ingenue’s party….  So when he returned to the car, he gave me some stern safety reminders and then set us free. 

It was not until we were well beyond shouting distance that the rest of the group pointed out to me that he was probably won over by the bee crown, which, of course I had completely forgotten I was wearing. Thank you, Dale, for that wonderful “get out of jail free” card! I’m sure you’re having a good laugh as we are as this story is being read. And I hope that you, and my mom, are up there together, slapping your knees, recalling memories of a very fine birthday party.

We love you.          We miss you.
God bless you 
Godspeed and keep helping us do the work from above!!!!!!

Eve Konstantine