Igniting the Holomovement
The Holomovement: Transforming Our World Through Collective Purpose
“Igniting the Holomovement” is a catalytic gathering for visionaries and activists to empower a movement guided by a unifying worldview and defining principles to give us
hope, meaning and evolutionary direction.
Our activating intention is to seed the future of a vibrant, living Holomovement to address the
challenges and opportunities facing the world.
Igniting the Holomovement
In Sedona, Arizona
Thursday, March 23 at 6:00pm – Monday, March 27 at 12:00 noon
(optional lunch following)
A Gathering of 77 Evolutionary Visionaries and Activists Working Toward a Future of Unity
Hosted by Purpose Earth and The Source of Synergy Foundation
In association with Synergy Circles of the Evolutionary Leaders,
Academy for Future Science, Foundation for the Future, Light on Light, and the Spiritual Life TV Channel
Registration is now closed for “Igniting the Holomovement.” You are invited as an affirmation of your vision and talents that you are already putting into service, helping humanity manifest a better future.
The goal of this gathering is to gain traction for the Holomovement Vision, Technology, Visibility, and Engagement. Together, we will find synergies among one another and our various networks and communities to build a base of committed partners that will take the vision forward.
This seed event will also launch the Holomovement book currently in development and explore next steps toward the future of a growing, empowered Holomovement.
Participants will include Members of Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation, members of related Synergy Circles of the Evolutionary Leaders, and representatives of key partner organizations.
For more information on the concept of the Holomovement, please download the White Paper HERE.
If you have questions regarding registration, please email info@holomovement.net.
Thank you.
The Holomovement is based on scientific fact combined with deep wisdom
to give us a new understanding of the purpose of our existence.
Participants will be invited to choose among four Tracks: Vision, Technology, Visibility, or Engagement.
Track Stewards will submit plans and objectives prior to the gathering and then a report afterwards detailing their deliberations, conclusions and recommended next steps going forward.
“Our engagement with one another inspires synergistic collaborations in self-organizing partnerships,
in service to the emergence of a movement for the conscious evolution of humanity.”
–– Evolutionary Leaders “How We Engage” Statement
The conference fee covers attendance at the event and selected meals.
All participants are asked to arrange their own accommodations. A group rate is reserved under the name “Holomovement” at two hotels that are a short walk from the conference venue:
Arroyo Pinion Hotel – www.arroyopinion.com (928) 204-1146 (Option #2 – speak directly to front desk)
Green Tree Inn – www.greentreeinn.com/hotels/az/sedona (928) 282-9166
Transportation from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
$60 Phoenix Airport to Sedona
(every 60-90 minutes)
Approximately 2hrs 30 min
Covid-19 Protocol (subject to change)
If you – or someone you’ve been in contact with – is experiencing flu-like symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of the start of the event, we ask that you withdraw your registration. We will honor a full refund for anyone who must cancel for this reason.
You are welcome to wear a mask if you so choose, but masking will not be required.
We recommend you stay informed on any travel restrictions or quarantine guidelines set forth by your country/location of origin and destination.
Covid tests will be available at the event.
Cancellation Policy
NO REFUNDS will be given within 30 days of the event – unless the event is postponed due to circumstances beyond our control, or you must withdraw your registration due to Covid-19 or other health-related issues.
To whom does the Holomovement belong?
It is important to mention that the Holomovement belongs to no one and is open to everyone. It provides an open-source platform for the leaders of today and into the future. A quote from Lao Tzu says: “A leader is best when people barely know he exists. When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” And that is true, and it will work. Thank you all for working together as the barely known leaders of something marvelous that is now emerging.
Why should I attend this event?
That, of course, is a question that each person will have to answer for her/himself. All of us on the Host Team feel we are at a pivotal moment in history that needs a call to unity, and that is why we are dedicating our time to coordinate this event. We hope that key players representing cutting edge organizations will also see that this is a great opportunity for them to cooperate with other individuals and organizations to create a movement of movements to get us out of our silos and synergistically collaborate to truly make a difference.
Will the Sedona event have a spiritual component?
Igniting the Holomovement arises in part from a fifty-year old vision and its efforts to raise spiritual consciousness. This has included organizing a long series of retreats and conferences, some of which were held in Sedona itself in 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2015, which in many ways were precursors to Igniting the Holomovement. These gatherings have all had a strong spiritual component, although always avoiding an association with any particular religion. This spiritual element will be continued in Sedona by exploring the concept of the Implicate Order as the spiritual source of consciousness. To facilitate the sense of spiritual unity, we are holding the event at a sacred space named “Sedonya” and not at a large hotel with a conference room.
Will the Sedona event have an action-oriented component?
Absolutely. The time is way overdue to stop talking so much and start doing something. The four tracks will provide the foundation to aid us in self-organizing into the key structural components that will support action moving forward.
Are there carbon offsets for Sedona travel?
We are pleased that this event’s primary sponsor is Purpose Earth. A brief review of its accomplishments represents a significant carbon offset for the Sedona event. In under three years, Purpose Earth, including its latest round of grants, will have dedicated over $300,000 directly to grassroots projects, the vast majority of which have an environmental component to them, such as the Global Coralition in the Dominican Republic, which is helping to create and salvage coral reefs. The Selection Council recently approved six new grants in the year to come that include a recycling project in Lebanon and aid to climate refugees in the Philippines. Purpose Earth also ensures that a tree is planted in honor of each grant recipient by the Greenbelt Movement in Kenya, the NGO founded by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Wangari Maathai. Please see www.purposeearth.org to read more about its activities and the projects it sponsors.
In addition to Purpose Earth, another of our sponsors, the Foundation for the Future (Fundacion por el Futuro) in Madrid, has been donating to environmental causes since its inception in 1995. The Foundation’s main projects have taken place on the island of Ibiza, and the principal activity has been to support the development of the Casita Verde, an environmental educational center. www.casitaverde.com Since its inception in 1995, the Foundation for the Future has provided very substantial funding for projects designed to help our beleaguered environment. Our other sponsors and collaborators have made many additional contributions as well, including Source of Synergy Foundation‘s work to raise awareness about the effects of hydraulic fracking on drinking water, air pollution, heath and quality of life of the local residents in areas like Dimock, PA, as well as its efforts to raise awareness about the melting of the glaciers and the ice sheet in Greenland.
We think this gives you an idea of how this event arises from a long and varied background of deep respect and concern for the environment. All told, we feel that the work, donations and sponsorships cited above have provided enough to offset the travel to the Sedona event and to support the Holomovement for a long time to come.
Is this a onetime event or will there be more?
The plan is to continue funding and developing the Holomovement for years to come. There is potential for a next gathering in Ibiza, which, along with Sedona, has a deep spiritual resonance. If we hold an event in Spain, the Foundation for the Future can help sponsor this. There could also be many other additional programs and gatherings, participants willing, in selected sacred spaces around the world.
Olivia Hansen * Desiree Hurtak * Kurt Johnson * Emanuel Kuntzelman *
Deborah Moldow * Laurence Singer * Diane Williams
Production Coordinator: Susan Belchamber
Contact Us at info@holomovement.net
This event is funded through Purpose Earth, an initiative of Unity Earth, along with additional support from aligned organizations and individuals. It will be produced and co-hosted by The Source of Synergy Foundation, a 501c3 not-for-profit organization.
The Holomovement initiative is a multi-year endeavor, with future funding already planned.